Eid with West London Turkish Community

We grow with your support
Helping people in need, Bringing people and communities together, Providing education, Encourage community participation in sports, Being a social and educational hub for all are our main objectives.
Eid with West London Turkish Community
Happy Eid Al-Ramanzan to all our nation, we wish our celebration to come with great joy and bring blessings to your home with all your family overflowing with joy. Happy celebrations! Photos from namaz and breakfast in the morning.

Pictures from our Ladies & Youth gathering

Help West London Turkish Volunteers Charity secure our first ever community centre and mescid. Your support is crucial to make this happen please donate and help us move a step forward!
Large amount via Bank:
Bank Account Name: West London Turkish Volunteers
Account Number: 28185367
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Smaller amounts: https://www.gofundme.com/f/to-purchase-a-community-centre?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=social&utm_source=whatsapp: