West London Turkish Festival 2022

West London Turkish Festival 2022

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West London Turkish Festival 2022

With nearly 10,000 visitors our 5th West London Turkish Festival was a big success on Sunday 3 July 2022 in Feltham, West London. Amazing to see so many people coming together from various communities enjoying delicious Turkish food, music, dance, culture and visiting the various stalls. Festival funded by National Lottery Community Fund, Summer of Culture Fund by London Borough of Hounslow and sponsored by MaxShelf, Tilebase and many other sponsors.

West London Turkish Volunteers UK Charity tarafından düzenlenen, geleneksel hale gelen West London Turkish Festival beşinci kez Pazar 3 Temmuzda Batı Londra’da İngiltere’de gerçekleşti. 10 bine yakın vatandaşımızın ve yabancının katıldığı şenliğe büyük ilgi vardı.

Photo and video album